June 23, 2016 Week 006 – Day 035 – WEIGH-IN DAY!
June 23, 2016
Week 006 – Day 035

Weight Lost This Week: 5.4 lbs
Total Weight Loss in this Program: 61.00 lbs
The past two days the heat has been great where I live.. and we are now walking an hour earlier. Still, the pain in my knees is tremendous once again, and I fear I may be doing even worse damage to them. The Doctors had informed me there was little left of what cushions my knees, and yet due to my size, they could not do knee replacements while I was that large. I therefore must hike through the pain, as extreme as it is. I am finding each day much easier now to resist food want. The dietary intake has now taken hold, and become a regular routine for me. That stated, as a “foodie”, I still find myself wanting the food, it is just not tearing at me any longer. This is a great thing. The third week was most difficult with that. I am glad that is over. I had explained to my good friends yesterday what my plan is to remain in good health after this program, and they agreed it was a great plan. I believe it is, and I believe I will not fail. Especially having burned into my memory what my life was like just 5 weeks ago. I am a different man already. I can move… and I am walking 6 miles each day now, and swimming too! I am very tired from the middle to the end of each day as I am burning 4,000 calories while only taking in by the end of each day 970 calories. Many ask me, “Have you cheated at all with food?”… and my answer is no. from the day we started this food exchange, I have remained 100% committed to doing this program exactly the way I am instructed. If you are reading this, and think you could not do it…. believe me when I tell you that you can! You CAN take back your health for a better life!
Today’s FitBit Stats:
14,460 Steps for 6.73 Miles and 4153 Calories burned. 7 Floors Climbed.
Last Night’s Sleep Recorded This Morning:
7 hour 29 min. Asleep last night, Awake X0, Restless X12
Food Schedule:
10AM – Chocolate Shake & 8 oz glass of water with Orange Fiber
12PM – Vanilla Shake
2PM – 1 Cinnamon Protein Bar & 8 oz glass of water with Orange Fiber
4PM – Chocolate Shake
6PM 1 packet Chicken Soup in 8 oz Water & 8 oz glass of water with Orange Fiber
8PM – Vanilla Shake
Calorie Intake for the day = 970
Comparison Photo To Date: