Category Archives: Kurt Kuhn

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Master Replicas – Boba Fett Helmet

The Boba Fett Helmet is one prop that stands out as a ‘grail’ item for many… including me. This helmet is premium, and is hard to find by this company. They did a fantastic job re-creating that “look” of the original filming prop. Even the targeting bar swivels down to reveal a lit targeting screen with flashing lights. Of the 1500 that were produced world-wide, this is number 171. In most cases, if a Boba Fett helmet replica is offered in the art form, it is most likely re-cast from the original Master Replicas helmet. It is that good. Of course, many prop collectors out there will disagree on this, but it is usually the one people turn to when they want this helmet design.

Prop Information

Current Owner: Kurt Kuhn of Kuhn Global, Inc.

Formerly Offered By: Master Replicas

Total Vested Cost: $750 USD

Current Estimated Value: $2,000 USD



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Battlestar Galactica: DeSanto Continuation – Studio Scale Viper #1

This beast was made for the very first kit patterned by Michael Miles Artistry. He was in contact with Producer Tom DeSanto during it’s development which I funded. I ended up getting a few casts from it, albeit not as many as I had paid for. Unfortunately, with unknown circumstance, there were many that did not get their orders fulfilled by MMA. Of the 3 casts I received, one I gave to R.L. Bleecker (whom then gave one to his friend), and then built one for himself. This one you see here is #001 and was built by artist Dave Martis. In speaking with Tom DeSanto about the Battlestar Film he and Brian Singer are planning, (as we were discussing of making a 12 foot updated Galactica model for the film), I went ahead and sent Tom this model, which he keeps in his office today.

This piece has a 2018 Modeler Magic appraised value of $2,500 USD



BELOW: A Composite created utilizing my Blue Screen Photos by the artist RIDER

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Battlestar Galactica Colonial Viper MK II

This Mk II Colonial Viper is 1:20 scale, and was built and painted by artist R.L. Bleecker from the FM Model Company kit (Frank Cerney and Moeslund Mortensen). Being that there were no physical models made for the 2003 re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, it was up to someone to develop a pattern and sell the kit. Frank and Moe did just that. R.L. “Bob” Bleecker did an amazing job replicating the CG model, as you can see from the comparison photo below. Of course that is me again in the photo during the model shoot.

This piece has a 2020 Modeler Magic appraised value of $1,200 USD

Photo of Kurt Kuhn with the MkII Viper Model

kg_cg_viper_mk2-001One of the ZOIC renders of the actual Viper used in Battlestar Galactica


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Studio Scale TIE Fighters

What color are TIE Fighter’s? This has been a question asked by many, and argued by many more. After all… in 1977’s Star Wars, they appeared to be GREY! Yet in The Empire Strikes Back, they appeared BLUE! Original Star Wars Artist Lorne Peterson answers…. “They are BLUE!”. We proved this by taking a few shots back in 2006 of the studio scale TIE Fighter under different lighting conditions. We must remember that Star Wars was innovative in many ways, including cinematography. They shot the models against blue screen backdrops just as I do today, but technology improved along the way. I lit an area the models were placed under with bright blue lighting, giving the ever present white lighting we view in Star Wars for all their space scenes. As I did so, the TIE Fighter’s blue color washed out before my eyes, making the model appear grey. Amazing! For me to actually show the TIE Fighter’s in their natural blue, I changed to a warmer color lighting, and in doing so, there they were in their beautiful ESB looking blue color. These two were made from the NICE-N Model Designs first generation offering, and built by famed R.L. Bleecker. They are beautiful to view in person. One of these now resides in Hong Kong, in the collection of Richard Sung.

Below: Kurt Kuhn with two Studio Scale TIE Fighters


Model Information

Current Owner: Kurt Kuhn of Kuhn Global, Inc.

Build Artist: Robert L. Bleecker

Kit Offered By: Nice-N Model Designs

Kit Pattern Work: Steve Neisen

~Hours Vested to Final Display:  55

Total Vested Cost: $2,000 USD

Current Estimated Value: $1,350 USD Each

2008-03-10_KG_TIE-FIGHTERS_N_KUHN-003AB2016Kurt Kuhn with two studio scale TIE Fighter’s

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Master Replicas 32 Inch Studio Scale Millennium Falcon Blue Screen Photos

The 32 inch (Studio Scale) Millennium Falcon – Harrison Ford Signature Edition. One of the most known models in the Star Wars universe of fandom. When Master Replicas announced they were going to release a replica to the public, it was thought it could not be done due to the many parts involved, as well as it’s immense size. Partnering up with Frank Cerney, Morten Moeslund, and Jason Eaton, Master Replicas was able to reproduce (with close accuracy) this famous model. This now resides in Hong Kong, in the Richard Sung Collection.

This piece, in the edition it is, has a 2018 Modeler Magic appraised value of $15,000 USD

2007-12-05_KG_FALCON-049AB2016Photo of Kurt Kuhn with the Master Replicas Millennium Falcon


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27 Inch Cooper Rebel Blockade Runner – Tantive IV

Randy Cooper is well known in the industry as an outstanding model and prop maker for many films we have viewed. When he patterned this Tantive, I was all over it! This piece was built by R.L. Bleecker, and even utilized by Lucasfilm when they asked me to take a specific blue screen photo angle of it, in very specific lighting. They would use my photo to create a painting by Chris Trevas that would end up being a Star Wars TOPPS Card. Fantastic!

Above: Kurt Kuhn with the 27″ Cooper Blockade Runner (Tantive IV)

Model Information

Current Owner: Kurt Kuhn of Kuhn Global, Inc.

Build Artist: R.L. Bleecker

Kit Offered By: Randy Cooper Models

Kit Pattern Work: Randy Cooper

~Hours Vested to Final Display:200

Total Vested Cost: $1,800 USD

Current Estimated Value: $2,000 USD

Current Appraised Value: $2,000 USD

Below: Chris Trevas initial sketch for the TOPPS Card

Below: The Kuhn Global Blue Screen Photo Chris Trevas requested, and utilized for the TOPPS Card

Below: The final TOPPS Card released

…Enjoy the Blue Screen Photos…

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Star Trek TNG Romulan Warbird – Studio Scale Replica

This Romulan Warbird was the first replica attempt I has ever seen. Made by New York artist Michael Provenzano, we took quick photos of this model, and had issue with keeping reflection off of it’s surface. Michael donated this piece. It is quite nice. Michael did a great job with the complex shape of this model’s hull design.

This piece has a 2016 Modeler Magic appraised value of $4,000 USD

2007-11-11_KG_WARBIRD-000AB2016Photo of Kurt Kuhn with the Provenzano made Romulan Warbird



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Star Trek TNG & DS9 Studio Scale Ferengi Marauder – Cast 1

This piece began as a cast from the original Star Trek TNG model patterns given to artist Richard Long to clean up for casting. The shop that sent it to Richard, (John Eblan’s shop), agreed to allow Richard to cast what he cleaned up, then sell a build to me in order to get Richard paid for the venture of doing so. What is extra memorable about this is that I actually made this deal with Richard while I was in Rome, Italy with my family on a business trip in which we were able to see the Pope at the Vatican. It is funny how we remember things we acquire. Richard did a magnificent job in his fix of the original in order to cast and build this piece. This would later go on to be shown in the Hector Rosales Collection in the USA.

This piece has a 2018 Modeler Magic appraised value of $25,000 USD

2007-10-26_KG_SS-FERENGI-001B-1AB2016Photo of Kurt Kuhn with the Ferengi Marauder



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Studio Scale Buck Rogers Thunder Fighter #1

The Buck Rogers in the 25th Century “Earth Directorate” Thunder Fighter is probably one of the most recognizable science fiction designs of it’s time! It’s beautiful, sleek lines, and aggressive look have always brought my mind to daydream of actually flying one. This model is a direct cast off an original Universal Hartland filming model from 1979. There were several different versions of this fighter in the television show, all of which we will soon replicate and show. When I received the parts, the box was nearly unrecognizable as a box since the shipping company handled it very poorly. I am surprised it survived so well. There were a few parts broken, like the tips of the wings on the fighter, that were covered up nicely by the build artist. This piece was fantastically built by artist R.L. Bleecker, and has been displayed for Licensed companies, and in modeling shows across the country. Unfortunately this model’s tragedies were not yet over. While traveling for display purpose, this model met with some broken challenges and would later be re-made by artist Dan Grumeretz into the “Happy Birthday Buck” Fighter…. known as Colonel Traeger’s Fighter in the series.

2008-03-12_KG_THUNDERFIGHTER-000AB2016Kurt Kuhn with the Buck Rogers Thunder Fighter

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Star Wars – Master Replicas – 2006 Studio Scale Y-Wing #0014

When Master Replicas came to the scene, excitement brewed as many amazing studio scale replica miniatures were slated to be released. This model is one of them from 2006, and is #0014 of their release. From Star Wars: A New Hope, the studio scale Y-Wing Fighter! This piece was glorious in it’s day, and continues to be so. I must admit that this model was later re-built and painted by artist Matt Meyer to be Gold Leader from the 1977 film, abandoning this very basic paint scheme Master Replicas released it with. You may view the Gold Leader Replica Photos by Clicking HERE. These photos you see of the Master Replicas Y-Wing Replica were from lighting tests we were doing back in 2007. One thing that always troubled me of this model release is that it had no pilot figure in the enclosed cockpit. Still, I am very pleased it was released. This is how the model looked straight out of the box… with no enhancements whatsoever. This model would eventually go into a collection in Hong Kong, owned by Richard Sung.

Model Information

Owner at Time of these Photos: Kurt Kuhn (Kuhn Global)

Blue Screen Photographer: Kurt Kuhn (Kuhn Global)

Replica Once Offered By: Master Replicas

2020 Estimated Value: $5,000 USD

Current Licensed Appraised Value: TBD



Kurt Kuhn




Master Replicas

